Wednesday, 30 March 2016

TASK SIXTEEN: Choice of Music

Choice of Music

Sound is key for our post-production process. We think that is plays a huge role in setting the mood/atmosphere. Not only we will we be using diegetic sound e.g. the sound of the TV, but we will also be using non-diegetic sound for the dramatic effects. Another key sound that we will be using throughout our opening sequence will be dialogue. This will be exchanged between the two characters.

For our first scene in our opening sequence we wanted to use minimal music. The majority of the first scene will have just ambient sound from the field/park that Kate is in. As the scene comes closer to its end the music comes into place.

We will be using a lot of crescendo sound. This is sound or music that builds up to imply that something is about to happen. Music like this is essential in horror movies because a lot of the time there are many scenes in a film that are built up. 

This sound will also be used in our first scene. As the tension builds and the cuts become quicker, we want to include this sound of Kate's heart beating. This will alert the audience and let them of Kate's increased heart rate. This shows that she is becoming more fearful and hopefully it will affect the viewers in the same way. We want to use this sound and make it parallel to whats happening in the scene.

The audio above will be used starting from when Claire (Rosie) is walking her dog in the woods. This sound will continue throughout until just before the opening sequence ends. We like this music because its very spooky and eerie. 

Above are two examples of the whispering sound effect we would like to use in our Opening Sequence. This effect would be used in the last scene where Kate will be disturbed by these voices.

For when the title comes up at the end we wanted to use quite a loud sound. So we took a sound from the Independence Day 2 trailer and fit it in so it was in time with when "MISSING" came up on the screen. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

TASK SIX: 25 Word Pitch

25 Word Pitch

I created my 25 Word Pitch by recording myself writing 25 words that related to our Opening Sequence. I used Final Cut Pro to add effects to the video, this allowed me to add different colour effects, music, speeding techniques, an introduction and cropping software. This allowed the 25 Word Pitch to become more visually appealing to the viewers.

TASK FOURTEEN: Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule 

I created a filming schedule on my phone, this is because its professional and it allows us to use digital technology and it can keep us updated. I started by creating a rough schedule on paper and then transferred the information to my phone, this means we can update the Scheduel live if necessary. By having a filming schedule, we are all able to stay up to date and organised insuring that all of our scenes are completed correctly with out leaving any props behind, and insuring we go about our opening sequence in the most professional manor as possible.

Friday, 18 March 2016



For us to have more of an idea of our plot and what shots we will be using we made storyboards. We made our first storyboard by hand on paper as a rough idea, and then we made a storyboard online where we could use better diagrams to show our plot more clearly.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016





KATE PARKES, 17-year-old, brunette wearing all black- dress, tights, leather jacket and converse trainers. She is breathing heavily, her breath quivering as she runs frantically through the Forrest away from an unknown character who is potentially dangerous.

As she stops trying to regain her breath, she becomes dazed and her vision is blurred. Erratically, she quickly turns her head from left to right trying to evaluate her surroundings. Her body weakens and she collapses on the floor.

Beginning to gain consciousness, KATE realises she is being dragged through the Forrest and tries to squirm from ‘its’ grip whilst screaming. Her screams fade into next scene.


CLAIRE JOHNSON, 17-year-old, brunette is lounging on the sofa watching a horror movie.

The scream from the movie frightens CLAIRE and she turns the TV off,  she then resumes texting her friends on her phone. 

-- Hey! Can you FaceTime? --

 -- Hiya! Sorry, can I FaceTime later? I'm about to walk the dog, my mum will kill me if I don't. --

After doing so, she puts on her shoes and coat and takes the dog, RAVEN,  for the walk.


CLAIRE is leisurely walking her dog through the Forrest. Her phone notifies her of a text. She stops and reaches into her back pocket and takes it out. The message is from UNKNOWN.

-- Can you see me? --

CLAIRE reads the message and is puzzled by the authenticity of the text but continues to walk RAVEN.

A loud cracking noise is heard and CLAIRE freezes in place. As she lifts up her foot, a watch is revealed. CLAIRE bends down and picks it up, as she inspects the condition of the watch she realises that this is KATE’S watch. She pulls out her phone and a picture of CLAIRE and KATE shows KATE with the watch on. Perplexed and disorientated CLAIRE does not realise that RAVEN has run off. Frantically she runs through the Forrest, chasing after RAVEN.

-- Raven! Raven! --


Still running, CLAIRE comes across KATE whose erratic behaviour is disturbing. At first she is unrecognisable her scruffy appearance and behaviour is different to that of what CLAIRE remembers. CLAIRE wearily approaches KATE. KATE is shaking, hitting herself and muttering under her breath.

-- Are you okay? Hello? --

-- You never wanted to help me. --

-- Kate. Its been two years --

-- (violently grabs her) You stupid bitch. --

-- Kate! --

-- You never cared about me. --

-- Kate please listen to me. --

KATE’S behaviour escalates. She becomes hysterical and vengeful.

-- Get off me. --

Frightened CLAIRE starts running away.
As the voice gets louder KATE becomes violent, hitting herself and shouting

-- Stop. This is all her fault --

CLAIRE screams when she sees DYLAN, HER BROTHER, lifeless. His body is hanging from a belt. 


TASK EIGHT: Location Shots

Location Shots

I visited a range of locations that me and my peers were interested in to film our Opening Sequence. I have taken images of the locations, as well as looking around the grounds and the facilities. Here I was able to judge what location would fit best for our scene and will be the most effective. I presented the locations, images and information in a Prezi.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

TASK TEN: Costume Choices

Costume Choices

For this task, I created a mind map on Adobe Fireworks CS6 of our main characters costumes and the idea behind each piece of clothing. 

This is our costume choice for Claire Johnson (Melissa Zero) 

This is our costume choice for Kate Parkes (Rosie Musgrove) 

For Dylan Johnson (Louie O Connor) we did not assign him a costume as his role is so minimal and you won't be able to see it.

We have also decided that a minimal natural makeup will be suitable for our characters as this will also represent an everyday teenagers look. However, we will be using makeup to show Kate's dramatic change of look which causes Claire not to recognise her at first. We will also use fake blood to show the death of one our characters. All of this will add a sense of realism and fear that the audience will experience with the characters. 

Friday, 4 March 2016



For our Opening Sequence we don't want to use too many props because we want to make it as realistic as possible. We are aiming to use minimal if not no type of props used as weapons, as we would like the audience to be left thinking and curious about what the rest of the film would be about. We decided to present our props in a video format.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

TASK NINE: Casting Shots

Casting Shots

When thinking about our Opening sequence and the characters we want to include we used our own knowledge of TV/film characters from a horror/drama/crime/thriller genre, and how this was going to gel us decide who to choose for our characters. For our first example we chose Nina Dobrev, famously known for her role of Elena Gilbert in the series The Vampire Diaries. We looked at her for inspiration because of her characteristics on the show. She is an ordinary school girl who finds herself in trouble/danger because of the events that happen in her life. She is also very caring of her friends and will do anything to protect them.

Another character that we gained inspiration from was Aria Montgomery in the TV drama/mystery Pretty Little Liars. Aria is artsy, bubbly, independent, and she is also very loyal to her loved ones, she is tough but compassionate at the same time. However she is very secretive also, throughout the series you can see that this becomes more and more obvious. We like this side of her and we think that it would be a good trait for one of our characters to have, most likely being Kate Parkes (Melissa Zero).

For Louie's character we looked at Zach Roerig who plays Matt Donovan in the series The Vampire Diaries. We have chosen this character because in the series he is kind and caring. He is also very innocent which is an important characteristic that we want Dylan (Louie) to have. They also have a similar appearance as they both has blonde hair.

Melissa Zero - Kate Parkes

Ethnicity                      White/Caucasian
Gender                          Female
Age                                17
Height                           5’5”
Hair Colour                  Light Brown
Eye Colour                   Blue
Build                             Medium

Rosie Musgrove - Claire Johnson

Ethnicity                      White/Caucasian
Gender                          Female
Age                                17
Height                           5’5”
Hair Colour                 Dark Brown
Eye Colour                   Green
Build                             Medium

There are many reasons for choosing these two girls for our Opening Sequence. One of the main reasons would be because their good actresses. Another main reason is because they are best friends in real life, therefore they already have some type of chemistry and they know how to work well together. 

One thing that we noticed is that they also fit the criteria for the stereotypical horror movie character. From our research that we did ourselves using the survey, and the research we did besides that using the internet we found that the majority of horror movie characters are teenagers/young adults so these two characters were essencial for our Opening Sequence.

Louie O'connor - Dylan Johnson

Ethnicity                      White/Caucasian
Gender                          Male
Age                                15
Height                           6”
Hair Colour                 Blonde
Eye Colour                   Blue
Build                             Medium

Dylan Johnson will be playing Claire's brother in our film. Although he is only shown for a small part at the end of our opening sequence, he plays a big role because the unfortunate events that happen to him give the audience a taste of what is in store throughout the film, and in Claire's life. 

TASK SEVEN: Target Audience Data and Research

Our Survey and Analysis

Here we talk about the different target audiences of the horror genre and how this will apply to our Opening Sequence. 

For task seven our group decided to not only voice our opinions on how we are going to achieve the perfect target audience, but we also made a survey to send out to friends and family to look at their ages, sexes, and opinions on films to give is more of an idea. We realised that the responses confirmed our hypothesis. 

The majority of our responders who ticked the 15-18 years old or the 
19-25 years old, said that their favourite genre of film is Horror, whereas responders who were ages 27-65 years old or over did not select Horror at all. From this it is clear that Horror movies are much more popular for those aged 15-26. 

The majority of our responders also said that an unpredictable storyline and good sound effects makes a good horror films (question 6). This confirms our initial ideas from Task 5.